събота, 31 януари 2015 г.

Regarding Susan Sontag

He said “Sue, if you read so much you’ll never get married”. And I burst out laughing. I thought this was the most preposterous thing I ever heard because it never occurred to me that I would want to marry someone who didn’t like someone who read a lot of books.
She was a feminist who found most women wanting. “Why do they waste so much time worrying about what they look like instead of what they thought?”
We gave a big party, and the night before the big party, we had a lesbian couple over to visit, but we drank a lot and we smoked a lot of grass and things started getting a little sexy, and Susan got into it a little too much, and I got very jealous and punched her in the face. The next day was our big party with all the American ex-pats, the Beats - Ginsberg and Corso and all those people were coming. And Ginsberg came over to me at one point - Susan had this big black and blue mark on her jaw, and he said to me, “Why’d you hit her? She’s younger and prettier than you.” And I said, “That’s why.”
My desire to write is connected to my homosexuality. I need the identity as a weapon to match the weapon that society has against me. I am just becoming aware of how guilty I feel being queer.
I think it’s my duty to be in as much contact with reality as I can be. And war is a tremendous reality in our world.
A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world. You re just an instrument for tuning into as much reality as you can.

С гореприложените цитати от него искам да препоръчам филма "Относно Сюзан Зонтаг". Създава едно хубаво усещане, че всичко е възможно. Разказва за Зонтаг, интелигентна, самоуверена към самовлюбена, дразнеща, снобска, забавна, одухотворена до немай къде, лесбийка, хетеросексуална, философка, феминистка, писателка и голямата любов на Ани Лейбовиц, макар никоя от двете да не е говорила конкретно за естеството на отношенията им. Филмът е изграден върху интервюта с нея и нейни приятели. Гледах го вчера, на откриването на Сараевския куиър фестивал Мерлинка. Впрочем, в Сараево Зонтаг е много почитана, даже има площад, който носи нейното име. Причината е, че по време на обсадата, когато градът не е бил топ дестинация за нюйоркската интелигенция, Зонтаг е живяла в града, правейки много неща, сред които и да постави пиеса на Самюел Бекет в градския театър. 

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